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Replace words in document


Searches for a word throughout the document and replaces it with the given replacement word.

(function () {
const oDocument = Api.GetDocument();
const oRange = oDocument.GetRangeBySelect();
const rawText = oRange.GetText();
// Define the word to find and the word to replace it with
const wordToFind = "oldWord"; // Replace "oldWord" with the word you want to find
const replacementWord = "newWord"; // Replace "newWord" with the word you want to replace it with
// Use regular expression to find and replace the word
const cleanedText = rawText.replace(
new RegExp(wordToFind, "g"),
// Insert the cleanedText with the original paragraph structure
const oParagraph = Api.CreateParagraph();

Methods used: GetDocument, GetRangeBySelect, GetText, Delete, CreateParagraph, AddText, InsertContent

Reference Microsoft VBA macro code

Sub SimpleFindReplace()
Selection.Find.Execute FindText:="find", ReplaceWith:="replace", Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End Sub


Replace Words in Document